Queen (100 words) by xxharryosbornxx
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Alexia Ashford/Alfred Ashford
Characters: Alfred Ashford, Alexia Ashford
Additional Tags: Fluff, Character Study, Drabble, Incest, Sibling Incest
Alfred daydreams about the future.
One day Alexia was going to be queen of the whole world, and Alfred would be her loyal and devoted knight.
Alfred smiled, humming to himself as he happily painted the little portrait; her in her gown and jewels on her throne, and him kneeling at her feet with his head in her lap, wearing the cape and armor of a hero fair.
It would be wonderful. All Alfred had to do was wait as patiently for her until the day that the sleeping princess Alexia would finally awake and claim her birthright.
He would awaken her with a kiss.
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